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Thursday, 1 January 2015

Floating Social Share Buttons for Blogger with Share Count

Today you will see some floating social share buttons for blogger powered by AddThis. Actually, I am going to show you the easiest way to add some popular social media share buttons to your blogger blog within few clicks. Although these sharing buttons and functionality are generated by AddThis, you will be able to use them in your blog very comfortably.

The reason I am telling that many new bloggers try to add floating social share buttons, floating facebook like box, floating sidebar etc to improve their blog’s visibility and activity on social Medias like Facebook, Twitter, Google plus etc. But they usually hesitated to dig into the confusing coding and configuration process of many third party social share button providers.

Also, there is some other confusion like the reliability of those buttons, will they slow down the blog, how many JavaScript will be loaded, etc. Moreover, not all share buttons and scripts work correctly as they promise. In fact, if bloggers need to add those to their blog, the confusing process of configuration may lead them to leave.

But here I am going to solve all these issues by providing a small snippet. Obviously, most of us know about the world’s most popular social sharing button provider “AddThis”. Actually, it is the leading and one-stop social media integration tool out there. I am going to provide their pre configured floating social sharing buttons for your blog. Therefore, you don’t have to face any trouble.

Why Should We Use Floating Social Share Buttons for Blogger?

Before adding social sharing buttons, I would like to make you clear why should we use it in our blog and how it is related to blogging success. Let’s focus on some vital points of social media that help to grow our blog.

Traffic: Usually, we create great content for our target audience and social media could be a great source of traffic. Every day billions of people remain on their favorite social media website. If you let your readers share your post, it will be in front of those peoples within seconds. Therefore, you will have the chance to increase your blog traffic dramatically.

Online Presence: Online presence is truly very important to let the world know about you and your qualifications. As a matter of fact, social media will give you the opportunity to share your perception to the world very easily. Moreover, if they like what you are doing, they will start following you and you will have a strong community which is really very important for blogging success.
SEO: Finally, the most important factor of blogging success is also increasing the priority of social media day by day. You may have heard that google is also considering social activity for ranking signals. Therefore, if we need higher rank on SERPs, we must think about social media. I would like to refer this article to make you clearer.

It is pretty clear from the above discussion that we can’t avoid social media if we need to be a successful blogger. Also, we have understood the importance to add social media buttons to our blog. Now let’s see how to add some floating social sharing buttons to our blogger blog.

How to Add Floating Social Share Buttons to Blogger?
Follow the following steps to add some amazing floating social share buttons to blogger with image share and share count facilities.

1. First of all, go to > Layout.

2. Now find the sidebar or Footer area. I prefer footer area to add this code.

3. Click on the “Add a Gadget” link and choose “HTML/JavaScript” gadget from the list.

4. In this stage, you have to copy the following code and paste it into the content area of the “HTML/JavaScript” gadget as shown above.

5. Finally, click on the save button > save arrangement and visit your blog to see the floating social sharing buttons in action. That’s it.

Floating Social Share Buttons for Images
We have learned how to add floating social share buttons on blogger in the above part of the post. I have already told you that, these buttons will float on the left side of our blog and these will also show the total share count separately.

Another important thing is, you will have the Pinterest and the Facebook floating share buttons on every image of your blog. Readers will see these buttons while they hover over images of your blog. It is an additional functionality which will help you to get some more exposure.
Finally, I will recommend you to use these floating social sharing buttons in your blogger blog to take a step forward for your blogging success. Also, take the advantage of the image share and share count facility. All credit goes to “AddThis” for providing this service. If you are having any trouble, make sure to leave a comment to get support.

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